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Minutes of 2024 AGM


Roll Call of Teams Represented:

Teams Represented were Albert Hill WMC, Darlington Snooker Club, East End Nomads, Key Club, Philadelphia CC, Saltwell SC, The Bene. St Teresa's & Washington CC were not represented. The Chairman (Kevin Turner), Secretary (David Westerby) & Treasurer (Leo Ford) were present. 

2023 AGM Minutes:

A proposal to accept the minutes of the 2023 AGM as a true record was made by The Bene and seconded by Philadelphia CC.

Secretary’s Report:

The Secretary welcomed all those present to the 2024 AGM. He said that this been a good year, a seminal year for the League as for the first time since the very first season of 1974-75, only one Division had been contested but he thought this had worked well. He was particularly pleased that all the fixtures had again been fulfilled and that this was testament to the determination of teams to get matches played, even in the face of huge adversity: and example being when The Bene & Key Club went to a quiz to find that the East End Liberal Club had closed down without any notice being given. He thanked the Chairman, the Treasurer and his fellow Committee members for their support during the year, and thanked question-setters particularly Paul Finch who had set the League quizzes and Knock-Out Cup.

Chairman’s Remarks:

The Chairman endorsed the Secretary’s words. He thought that the season had gone really well: he particularly emphasised how it was good to play all the teams in the League, and see 'old faces' instead of playing the same teams every year which had been the case in the 2-Division system. He particularly enjoyed the Singles & Pairs events and thought that the new 'Drawn Pairs' competition had been a great idea. 

Treasurer’s Report:

The balance sheet had been handed out to all attendees. The Treasurer said that at the current rate of spend, the League could continue for another 2 to 3 years without having to look at re-introducing subscription fees. He talked about the expenses paid to the League's question-setter, Paul Finch, and said that in e-mail conversations with him that Paul had found quiz-setting for a single division, with the gulf between the top and bottom teams, had been very challenging and that he had strived to set quizzes in which all teams would score 50 points or more, in which he had been successful apart from one team, Philadelphia CC, who had narrowly missed that average. At that point Shaun Moore of Philadelphia CC spoke to say that they had thoroughly enjoyed the quizzes and this was echoed by David Wood of The Bene. The Treasurer then also stated that as well as question setting, there were other tasks which went un-noticed, such as The case of the Secretary's daughter who printed out the quizzes and sealed them for posting. He proposed that a gift should be given to her which met with unanimous approval. 

 Election Of Officials:

The Officers of the League were all continuing in their roles.

 Election Of Committee:

The current committee of John Swan, John Doyle & Steve Westerby would continue in their roles.

League Structure:

The current League structure would continue.

Any Other Business.

The Secretary raised the subject of future use of the Division B trophies which had been raised by league members. He stated that he felt they should be kept in case B Division was re-introduced at a future date, which the floor agreed with. He also suggested that the floor consider what should happen to the new NESQL Trophy which had been created for the former B Division B teams, and won by The Bene. A discussion took place on ideas and during that Mike Sowerby of Albert Hill proposed that it should be awarded to team which had the best improvement in its average during the season, and this was accepted. There being no other business the meeting then closed and presentation of trophies took place.


















 Mike Sowerby of Albert Hill received the Bill Stothard Memorial Shield for the League champions Albert Hill.












 Key Club won the Handicap League: left to right are John Doyle, Leo Ford & Adam Hilton.















Mick Fletcher & Shaun Moore of Philadelphia CC who retained the Challenge Cup. 













East End Nomads retained the Knock-Out Cup. Left to right: Dave Westerby, Stew Fletcher, Andrew Purvis & Steve Westerby.























Neil Saint & Mike Sowerby won the Pairs: Mike with the trophy.

















 The NESQL Trophy went to The Bene: pictured left to right are David Wood, Dave Guttridge & Gareth Hope.


The David Morrison Trophy for the Open Singles, won by Bryan Coughtrey of Darlington Snooker Club, and the Drawn Pairs trophy won by Bryan Coughtrey & John Swan, were no presented as the recipients were unable to attend.